Monday, October 30, 2017

Monday Mini-Rant...

Well, it's another Monday...which wouldn't be a Monday without a boat load of stress!!

Today, I received a letter from my heath insurance company, notifying me of my wonderful annual rate increase. *eyeroll*

So, as of now, my monthly heath insurance payment is already more than my rent and car payment combined! And! With my lovely increase in cost, there's a decrease in benefits!! How lovely! *more eyerolling*

My coverage was already 'meh' in the first place...and, oh boy, I can't wait to start paying more for even less services!! *so much eye rolling, my eyeballs have fallen out of my head*
Angry face!!!

Now, I'll be the first to admit, I don't know everything there is to know about politics. And I don't know much about the health insurance industry and why it's so complicated. But, I do know that it's horribly broken and is beyond ignoring or passing along to the next batch of incompetent political blowhards. What crap is this?!? Muck up the insurance system so much that even the most basic of plans in unaffordable...and then, charge us a penalty fee when we can't afford it!! Seriously?!?


Sorry for the mini-rant there...

It's just super frustrating. The fiancé and I are trying our hardest to save up as much as we can...but life has this obnoxious habit of getting in the way.

However, as much as I'd like to continue to complain about finances, I also need to acknowledge some of the positives!

We are in the teens of days left until our wedding!!

My fiancé and I met with our pastor to go over and finalize the order of ceremony...and she liked what I'd come up with! [I brought her a copy of my working draft of the wedding program to look at] So, in the next couple of days, I'm going to go have them printed off ^_^

Also, this week, I'm going to pick up my dress from alterations and we're supposed to be able to pick up the kiddo's suit...

I can't wait for the wedding to get here....and to finally be finished with all the craziness that comes with wedding planning!! But, I wonder, what will my brain do with all the free time when everything's finished?!? [Mostly kidding! I'm sure my INFJ brain will find plenty of other things to ponder!]

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