Thursday, August 10, 2017


Hey guys!

Hope you're all doing well, I know it's been a bit since I've posted and I apologize...I've had a definite lack of time to write lately, and I've also been pretty stumped on what to write about. So, that being said, if you have any suggestions, let me know!

Since my last post, there's been a few things of note to happen. Here's the quick re-cap!
Me and my fiancé, just before my birthday dinner
  • I had a birthday!! Now, I'm not embarrassed by my age, but I'm definitely no longer at the point of being excited by birthdays...however, this one was pretty nice ^_^ I got home in time to spend the afternoon and evening with my wonderful fiancé. We went out to a really nice dinner, spent some quality time together, and then got to watch a seriously kick-butt episode of Game of Thrones...yep! Definitely my kind of birthday!
  • If you noticed, I said "I got home in time," which suggests that I'd gone somewhere...which, I did!! Last weekend, I took a quick road trip to Baton Rouge to visit with my roommate from college and her wonderful family. I had a great time and can't wait to see them again in a few months for *drum roll* our wedding! (Eek!)
  • Some wedding stuff is falling into's hard to believe that in just a little over 3 months, we'll be married! I'm sure that there are dozens of little details that still need to be attended to, though.
  • School has started back for my kiddo...I cannot believe how quickly the summer flew by! I swear that time moves much, much faster than it did when I was a kid!
  • I haven't been gaming much, lately. I just haven't had time! Not that it's a terrible thing, at all...but it makes it harder to write about gaming if I'm not playing at all!

Well, I think that might be about it! I will try to be better about posting on a somewhat regular basis, promise!

Until then, hope you guys have a good week!

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Ollie Ollie Oxen Free...

Well... When I started this blog, I certainly wasn't intending to wait months between posts....and yet, here we are! Because it'...