Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Showers and Sparks...

Hey guys!

Hope you're having a good week and that you've stayed safe through all of the hurricane mess...we are doing fine, we got some rain, but that's it. [Didn't stop all of the schools from closing, but I suppose it's better to be prepared than sorry!]

My computer is in the shop now. I'm hoping they can fix it and I'll be back online by this weekend..

We reached another big wedding milestone over the weekend...the bridal shower!

Some of the lovely ladies from my church family put together a wonderful shower for us! Everything was so pretty [they went with a vintage theme...lots of heirloom quilts, silver, and roses], the food was great, and the gifts were super thoughtful! My fiance and I are so thankful that we have such awesome families, friends, and church family!

Now comes the challenge of finding ways to store all the wonderful gifts...

We currently live in an apartment, a rather small one.. so it seems like some clearing out and rearranging is going to be necessary. Which brings me to my next project!

I've recently started re-reading The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. She is a tidying expert who emphasizes on only keeping objects that 'spark joy.' Her methods sound really good!! [I admit that I've read most of the book before but failed to implement her advice] A total-home overhaul seems like a super daunting task, but I feel confident that we will live much more comfortably if we can do it! Have any of you read her book? Have you tried her methods and how did they work for you?

Well, my phone battery is quickly dying, so I'm going to have to end this post here. Will post again soon!

One of the beautiful roses from the shower ^_^

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