Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Birthday Madness...

Oh, boy, we had quite a weekend!

The kiddo's birthday was Sunday, so we've had our hands full with celebration stuff...this year, we let him invite two of his best buddies over to go to Treetop Adventure with us and then stay for a sleepover...now that is a daunting sentence! (The kiddo hasn’t ever had company stay overnight before, and I was seriously intimidated by the thought of having 3 boys at home!)

All of the kiddos had a blast at Treetop! (It’s like Chuck E. Cheese but with laser tag, go karts, jump houses, and bowling...it’s a ton of fun!) The boys played a few rounds of laser tag and loved shooting dinos in the Jurassic Park arcade game...the show stealer was definitely the go karts! All of the boys had such a blast driving and riding in the go karts, including my fiancé! (He’s really a big kid, which is one of the things about him that I love ❤️)

I was really nervous about the slumber party...but it turned out to be just fine!! Now, I’m not saying that I’d want to have one every weekend, but I’m actually looking forward to my kiddo having his buddies over from time to time! It warmed this mom’s heart to see them all smiling, laughing, and having a great time ^_^ Plus, hearing his friends say things like, “best birthday party, ever!,” “your parents are pretty cool!,” and “your house is the best! Can I come back over?”...all pretty awesome ^_^

So, all of that was our Friday afternoon and evening. Saturday, my brother came over and brought the kiddo a birthday gift and brought me a belated birthday present (my birthday is in August lol). Guys, my brother brought me a Nintendo Switch!!!! /happy squeals (Totally awesome move by my notoriously awesome brother...and I am eternally grateful!)

My brother had managed to get one of the newly released snes classics (the mini Super Nintendo) and he brought that with him, too...so we spent the afternoon and a good part of the evening playing awesome, vintage video games and just hanging out. Especially as we get older, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for us to just hang out together like we used to....so I cherish those times and hang on to each of them.

This brings us to Sunday, the kiddo’s actual birthday! Every year, I do birthday morning balloons for the kiddo...we blow up somewhere between 50-100 of them and flood his room with them, turning his room into a birthday celebration balloon pit! It’s a cute little tradition ^_^

I’ll admit, blowing up that many balloons is quite a task, even with my wonderful fiancé helping! (We blew up 75 this year and it took us around 40 minutes! Next year, we are getting air pumps!) However, I know there will come a time that my kiddo says he doesn’t want them anymore, he’ll grow out of it, and that time will get here much sooner than I’d like. So! Until then, I’ll blow up the balloons and marvel at how much he’s grown since the last time we blew them up for him.

All in all, it was definitely a great weekend!

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