Thursday, September 21, 2017

Frame Rates and Forgiveness...

Hey guys!

So, some good computer is up and running again...mostly. It's definitely more functional than before I took it to the shop, but it's still very much on the struggle bus.

The tech guy put the cheapest, most basic hardware into my pc, just to get it up and running again. Which is fine, if you don't use your pc to game with...but, I do!

Long story short, my computer is still pretty broken. It will run World of Warcraft, surprisingly...but it completely derps when my kiddo tries to play Minecraft Story Mode. [My incredible fiancé stepped in to save the day and got me a new graphics card that was a huge upgrade! However, it didn't solve the problem] So, it seems the saga of the broken pc continues...

In other happenings, I've been struggling with something lately...

I noticed that I have a really hard time letting things go. [slightly embarrassing to admit, but it's painfully true]

More than a few times in the last month or two, the topic of forgiveness has come up in our bible study lessons and sermons... and it's kind of stuck with me as something I need to work on...especially if I expect to receive forgiveness, myself!

There are certain situations and individuals that I wholeheartedly admit to purposefully holding on the hard feelings over...though, I'm not sure why, exactly. [If there ever were a time to delve into whether or not you hold grudges, it's when you're trying to decide who to invite to your wedding! With so many potentially hurt feelings at stake, I've had to consider getting over past hurts for the sake of having everything go as smoothly as possible!]

If I'm being honest, I don't know why I intentionally choose to hold on to hard's certainly not beneficial, and I know that. Especially if the 'offense' was particularly minor, maybe even silly, in hindsight. I know I should be a better person, take a deep breath, and let go of past hurts and resentment...but dang it, it's hard!

Why is it so hard? Is it pride and ego? Or maybe habits of the heart?

Regardless of the cause, I realize this is something that I need to work on...any tips? Seriously. Any advice at all would be enthusiastically welcomed!

Alrighty, I've got a kiddo to get ready for bed...hope you all have a great night!

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