Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Stomach Bugs and Accomplishments...

Hope you guys are having a good week so far...

All is good with us, things are chaotic, as usual. After all of the birthday stuff, the kiddo came down with a mild stomach bug...he’s feeling better now, but had gotten sick while at school twice! (He stayed home today to recuperate and seems to be feeling fine, now)

Despite the upset tummy, we managed to hit a pretty big wedding planning milestone! Today, I mailed out our wedding invitations! /woohoo!

Well, I mailed out most of the invitations...there are a few stragglers that will be going out tomorrow. Hey, some addresses are hard to find!

I expect that in a few days, I’ll have to start keeping up with RSVP responses...and that’ll be a whole new task with new stresses...but until then, I think I’ll enjoy the feeling of accomplishment from checking ‘invitiations’ off of the to-do list!

[Well, I’ll enjoy it in a few minutes...after I check on the kiddo and finish the last few invites!]

Less than 50 days left!! Will keep you all updated with the crunch time craziness ^_^

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