Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Playing Catch-Up...

Hey everyone!

I hope that all of you have had an absolutely wonderful holiday...I don't know about you, but I feel like I need a few days to recover from all the festivities, for sure! Holidays always seem to leave me feeling pretty drained...maybe it's all of the driving around to various activities, or having to be socially 'on' for so long...not sure the exact reason why they're so tiring, but I'm typically pretty glad to see Jan 2 arrive so things can get back to normal. [Which is today! Hooray!]

I'm terribly behind on posting, but I'll do my best to catch up a bit...

Not our picture, but this is the cave
we swam in!
My husband and I [still so weird to type that lol] went on our honeymoon right after Thanksgiving. We took a cruise to Cozumel and Progresso, we had a pretty good time! We cruised with Carnival and ported out of New Orleans. The boat was fairly nice, the staff was friendly, and there was literal tons of food! We did excursions at each port, cave swimming in Cozumel and a beach resort in Progresso...both were fun, but I don't think we'd necessarily recommend those particular excursions to anyone else. We both agreed that it probably would have been better to do a 'relaxing, beach' excursion in Cozumel and a 'more adventurous' excursion in Progresso. But! I guess that'd give us something to try out if/when we go back ^_^

After the honeymoon, we went pretty much straight into Christmas-mode...gift shopping and planning for get togethers...you know, all of the holiday stuff.

And that pretty much catches you up! [Nothing out of the ordinary happened for Christmas or New Year's....which isn't a bad thing, at all!]

Hopefully I can get into the habit of posting more regularly....or at least that's the plan!

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Ollie Ollie Oxen Free...

Well... When I started this blog, I certainly wasn't intending to wait months between posts....and yet, here we are! Because it'...