Tuesday, November 21, 2017

We Did It!

Good morning! Sorry to have taken so long to write a new post, we've been quite busy over the last week or so...doing what?


Getting married!!!

Yep!! As of this past Saturday, I'm a married lady!

It took a lot of planning and hard work from a lot of people, but our wedding was wonderful. There were a few minor 'day of' hiccups [everyone said there would be], but nothing major...I really couldn't have asked for the ceremony to go any better!

We were worried about the weather, so we ended up renting a tent for reception food and seating for some guests. But it didn't rain! Well, not until the very end of the reception...Thankfully, I think just about every guest had left by then.

I don't think it'll be possible to ever express as much thanks as my amazing family deserves...they made our big day happen! [They can likley expect to hear me say 'thank you' until it becomes annoying!]

I don't have many pictures to share right now, I was too busy with all the getting ready stuff, I never had a chance to take pictures! But, I know that our photographer got tons of them...I'll share my favorites once we have them back ^_^

Until then, I'm going to enjoy my first full week of being a Mrs. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

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