Monday, October 9, 2017

Wedding Weeds...

No one tells you that wedding planning is like pulling soon as you feel confident that you’ve gotten it under control, more weeds pop up! Out of nowhere!!

Over the weekend, I found myself in a naive happy place, wedding planning-wise. Invitations have been mailed out, we finished our final pre-marriage counseling session, I came up with a method for keeping up with RSVPs as they come back in...sounds pretty good, right? [I surely thought so!]

Fast forward to this afternoon. My mom asked me a very simple question, one that I’m shocked that wasn’t addressed much earlier in the planning process...what if it rains?

Queue the instant panic.

I hadn’t thought it was a concern! Our wedding venue is indoors and so is the reception venue....mostly.

What I hadn’t thought of, is that most of the dancing/entertainment portion of the reception will be outdoors, while the dining and food areas are indoors. The reception building is oddly’s narrow and long, but with sliding glass doors on both sides. So, typically, the doors are opened so that guests can come and go while they eat and dance. Which sounds good! Unless it rains. /sigh
So, now I’m scrambling to find out information on tent vendors...So much fun! (If anyone is knowledgeable in this area, please help!)

I’m sure that we will handle this slight wedding emergency and be back to feeling good about our progress, right???

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