Monday, August 14, 2017

Wedding, Wedding, Wedding...[and More Wedding!]

Okay, so I'm going to have to start this post off with a little complaint...

See that?? See how bent and wonky the left side of that gate is?!? That's the gated entrance to where I live...the gate had been fixed for about 3 days when that happened [this is after it had been inoperable for months!]. This, people, is why we can't have nice things. /smh

Busted gates aside, we've had a busy and productive(ish) couple of days!

Over the last week, my fiancé picked out his suit for our wedding and also picked out suits for the groomsmen! That's one detail that I think both of us are pretty glad to have out of the way!

Another pre-wedding accomplishment: We've started our pre-marriage counseling sessions!
Maybe not the most exciting bit, but I am glad to have the opportunity to sit down with our pastor and talk about potential issues that might arise after we exchange vows. Our pastor is really nice and pretty easy to talk to, so I think all of the sessions will go really well. ^_^

Another substantial thing we can check off the wedding 'to do' list? Rings!!
We finally got to pick up our wedding bands! We picked them out and bought them a couple of weeks ago, but they needed to be ordered since they were 'custom bands.' [I don't really quite understand how they were considered to be custom bands...all we did was have them ordered in our sizes....which are common sizes....sooooooo....???] Little frustrations aside, I was outright giddy when we got the phone call saying we could pick them up! I think my fiancé was equally excited about them, we went the very next to get them. Naturally, we tried them on, and let me tell you....we're totally stoked about getting married! I might be a bit biased, but we look pretty dang awesome with wedding bands on!
And, finally, I had my trial run for my bridal hair and makeup! I think it turned out pretty's more makeup than I typically wear, but I think that's normal for wedding looks. I'm happy with how it turned out, so that's officially one more thing to check-off!
I know that's a lot of wedding updates...promise that wedding stuff doesn't typically take up that much of our daily lives, but it sure did the last week or so!

That's about all I've got for now, hope everyone's having a great week so far! /waves

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Ollie Ollie Oxen Free...

Well... When I started this blog, I certainly wasn't intending to wait months between posts....and yet, here we are! Because it'...