Sunday, August 27, 2017

An Old Friend...

Hey guys!! Hope you're having a fantastic weekend, so far!

This morning, I decided to do something that I haven't done in years... I decided to play the piano!

So awesome, but so difficult!
I found an incredible Legend of Zelda medley on YouTube a few weeks ago and made it a goal to learn how to play it. [Link to the video here ] I had a few hours of spare time at my parent's house over the weekend, so I eagerly hopped online and bought a download of the arrangement. I printed out the 7 pages of sheet music and excitedly placed it on the piano. As I glanced over the music, the realization hit me like a ton of bricks....oh man was this a challenging arrangement. I've gotta be honest, I was very disappointed in myself.../sadface

I've played the piano practically my whole life. I mean, I started to learn when I was 4! I've played pretty much every day up until about 8 years ago. [I moved, several times, and haven't had a piano in my home since then.] I was definitely more rusty than I anticipated, and it was disheartening. I know I shouldn't be's been years since I tried to play anything new...but still.

I miss it.

I miss playing the piano. I miss being able to gracefully skip my fingers along the keys and create whatever music matched my mood...truth is, I never cared to play for anyone else. I hated to perform. Still do!

When I played, I played for myself. I played for the feeling of it, for the release of all of the emotions that clamored inside of my head and heart. Music was such a wonderful outlet for me; there were many times when my piano was there for me when it seemed like no one else was. Ask any musician, I'm sure they can relate!

I guess I didn't realize how much I'd missed all of it! And how much I need my music....
I say all of that, to say this: If you have a passion, pursue it! If you have a hobby or interest that bring light into your life, don't stop!

I've gone far too long without my music, and I thoroughly intend to change it. ^_^

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